When - Monday, July 3 - Sunday, July 9
Where - Ros Geal University Residence
Cost: €220 (Price for Sisters - €330)
- Includes Accommodation/Food, Killary Adventure Centre Trip, Activities, etc.
Age: +13
The Camp focuses on three main areas:
Breakdown of Activities:
- water sports
- outdoor challenges
- night fires
- make-up artistry
- acting blitz
- bbq and lots of fun!
There will be an interactive session with the girls every day on an aspect of Christian faith building. There will also be an opportunity to avail of the Sacraments.
Contact for more information, if needed:
M - 353 86 354 2246
E - hey@wearefearless.ie
Fearless Leaders price:
* Fearless Leaders are girls who act as leaders during the Camp.
Non-residential price is €60.
Residential price €90.
Additional cost to attend outdoor pursuits activity of gorge walking and kayaking in Killary is €68. Other activities are free.